Introduction To Microcomputer Applicationseagleaustin



Mar 30, 2016 CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS A microcomputer is a small digital computer that can take several different forms. It can be a single integrated circuit, or it can be a module made up of several integrated circuits on a printed-circuit board. The two most common types of microcomputers are the embedded micro- controller and the personal computer. CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS A microcomputer is a small digital computer that can take several different forms. It can be a single integrated circuit, or it can be a module made up of several integrated circuits on a printed-circuit board. The two most common types of microcomputers are the embedded micro- controller and the personal computer. 5.0 out of 5 stars Microcomputer classic Reviewed in the United States on November 26, 2000 This or one of many other equivalent 'introduction to computer' books will be useful to introduce the general reader to the concept of computation and the techniques used in commercial computers, often assumed background knowledge in other references.

What Is Microcomputer Applications?

Although general purpose computers have been available for more than 40 years, the dramatic plunge in the cost of electronics in the past 10 years has finally made significant computing power affordable to almost anyone. However, a large number of people including professionals have little idea of how a computer really works or what it can and cannot do.

Presented here is an introduction to the hardware and software of microcomputers which assumes no working knowledge of electronics or programming. The fundamental pieces of a microcomputer are explained, giving some insight into the reasons why present microcomputers are built the way they are. This is followed by a discussion of the fundamentals of how software is used to make the hardware compute. The various levels of software are discussed, then the most commonly used types of user application software are described, and finally some suggestions are made on how to choose a personal computer.

Introduction To Microcomputer Applications Eagle Austin Texas


Microcomputer Applications Meaning

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    LeBlond GT, Cobb DF: Using 1-2-3, Que Corporation, Indianapolis, 1983.

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    Norton P: The Peter Norton Programmer’s Guide to the IBM PC, Microsoft Press, 1985.

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    Norton P: PC-DOS Introduction to High-Performance Computing, Brady Communications Company, Inc., Bowie, Maryland, 1985.

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    Norton P: Inside the IBM PC: Revised and Enlarged, Brady Communications Company, Inc., New York, New York, 1986.

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    Poole L, McNiff M, Cook S: Apple II User’s Guide, Osborne/McGraw-Hill, California, 1981.

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    Prakash O (editor): Computing in Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Martinus Nijhoff Publ., 1983.

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    Rampa J: Getting Started with Microsoft WORD, Microsoft Press, 1985.

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    Simpson A: The Best Book of Lotus 1-2-3. Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., first edition, third printing, Indianapolis, 1985.

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    Witkin RK: Managing Your Business with Multiplan, Microsoft Press, 1985.

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    Wolverton V: Running MS-DOS, second edition, Microsoft Press, Washington, 1985.

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Correspondence to Marc J. Bloom.

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Bloom, M.J. Introduction to microcomputer hardware and software. J Clin Monit Comput4, 33–46 (1987).

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  • microcomputers
  • hardware
  • software
  • application programs

This course provides a hands-on study of microcomputer business software packages for applications such as word processing and electronic spreadsheets. It is designed for students without a technical background. Presentation lectures, hands-on practices, and individual projects of real-world application make the class challenging yet easy to master.
This course includes a study of the following topics: Introduction to common interface elements of Microsoft Office; the program Microsoft Word for creating and editing single or multiple-page reports, doing desktop publishing, and using mail merge; and the program Microsoft Excel to work with formulas, functions, lists, and multiple worksheets and workbooks.
Students are encouraged to interact with the instructor via Blackboard mail, discussion forums, and office visits when assistance is required.

This is a Windows-based course! You are required to use Microsoft Word and Excel 2010 for this course. Please note that the Mac version of Office has a different interface (making your book much less useful) and is lacking some of the features required for assignments. If you use a Mac for this course, it is your responsibility to have access to a Windows-based PC to complete your assignments and to prepare for exams as necessary.

On-campus midterm and final exams for local students (or proctored exams for distance students) are required for this course (see Course Calendar below for dates). Instructor will provide information about arranging proctoring for distance students. See schedule below for dates of exams.