Setting Up Unique Parameters

  1. Setting Up Unique Parameters Meaning
  2. Setting Up Unique Parameters Definition
  3. Setting Up Unique Parameters Types
  4. Setting Up Unique Parameters Examples

How to: Design PCR primers and check them for specificity

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Setting Up Unique Parameters Meaning

“Each parameter set must have a unique parameter that the Windows PowerShell runtime can use to expose the appropriate parameter set.” i.e. Each parameter set distinguishes itself by means of a unique parameter, but that doesn’t imply that another parameter couldn’t be in multiple sets, but not all of them. Game 85: february 12, 2016the initials game. Name Type Since Description File-File to be deployed. User property is: file. String-Server Id to map on the under section of settings.xml In most cases, this parameter will be required for authentication.


Setting Up Unique Parameters Definition

Setting up unique parameters meaning
  1. Go to the Primer BLAST submission form.
  2. Enter one or both primer sequences in the Primer Parameters section of the form. If only one primer is available, a template sequence is also required. See 'A Target Template Sequence..' below.
  3. In the Primer Pair Specificity Checking Parameters section, select the appropriate source Organism and the smallest Database that is likely to contain the target sequence. These settings give the most precise results. For broadest coverage, choose the nr database and do not specify an organism.
  4. Click the 'Get Primers' button to submit the search and retrieve template and specificity information.

Setting Up Unique Parameters Types


Setting Up Unique Parameters Examples

  1. Go to the Primer BLAST submission form.
  2. Enter the target sequence in FASTA format or an accession number of an NCBI nucleotide sequence in the PCR Template section of the form. If the NCBI mRNA reference sequence accession number is used, the tool will automatically design primers that are specific to that splice variant.
  3. If one or both primer sequences are to be used in the search, enter these in the Primer Parameters section of the form. Primer BLAST performs only a specificity check when a target template and both primers are provided.
  4. In the Primer Pair Specificity Checking Parameters section, select the appropriate source Organism and the smallest Database that is likely to contain the target sequence. These settings give the most precise results. For broadest coverage, choose the nr database and do not specify an organism.
  5. Click the 'Get Primers' button to submit the search and retrieve specific primer pairs.